Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle is a classic science fiction novel set in a future where humans are subjugated by an intelligent ape civilization. The story follows Ulysse Mérou, a French journalist who travels with a crew to a distant planet. After crash-landing, they encounter a world where apes dominate, and humans are mute, primitive creatures. Ulysse is captured and becomes part of the apes’ experiments, eventually trying to prove that humans were once the planet’s dominant species. As Ulysse uncovers the planet’s shocking history, he realizes that the roles of humans and apes may have reversed.
The novel explores themes of evolution, social hierarchy, and the nature of intelligence. For readers interested in this gripping tale, the Planet of the Apes PDF book is available for download as an eBook or to download PDF versions, providing easy access to this thought-provoking classic.
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