Geek Girl by Holly Smale is a charming, humorous young adult novel that follows the life of Harriet Manners, a self-proclaimed “geek” who is awkward, socially inept, and obsessed with facts and trivia. Harriet’s life takes an unexpected turn when she is scouted to become a model, thrusting her into a glamorous and often superficial world she’s completely unprepared for. As Harriet navigates the challenges of the modeling industry, she grapples with her insecurities, the pressures of fitting in, and the complexities of friendships and family. Through her journey, Harriet learns valuable lessons about self-acceptance, confidence, and the importance of staying true to herself. Geek Girl is a heartwarming and funny story about embracing individuality and finding one’s place in the world.
For fans looking to read more, you can easily find the pdf book, download eBook, or download pdf online for a full experience of Harriet’s quirky adventure.