The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory is a romantic comedy that follows Nikole Paterson, a successful and independent woman who unexpectedly finds herself in the spotlight after a public marriage proposal goes wrong. During a baseball game, her boyfriend proposes in front of thousands of people, but Nikole isn’t ready for such a commitment and turns him down. This leads to an embarrassing and awkward situation, which she wants to move on from. Enter Carlos, a charming doctor who is there to help her navigate the fallout. The two quickly develop a connection, and a friendship blossoms into something more. The book explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships, all while offering humor and heart.
The Proposal is a delightful, modern romance with strong characters and witty dialogue. You can find the pdf book and download eBook or download pdf versions for a quick read of this engaging story.
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